Deferred Action for DREAMers Application: How Easy Is It to Apply?

Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano formally announced on June 15, 2012 of the Department's Deferred Action for DREAMers program to grant relief from removal to certain undocumented immigrants and grant them authorization to legally work in the United States. If you have questions about the new DREAMer program, the attorneys at The Law Firm of Shihab & Associates, Co., LPA have decades of combined experience in immigration law. Contact us for a consultation.

How easy is it for me to apply for Deferred Action for DREAMers?

Filing an application for the Deferred Action for DREAMers program may seem to some people as simple as filing out a government form and attaching some documents. However, just because something seems easy to do, that does not mean it is easy to do correctly. It is important to file the application correctly. This includes knowing beforehand whether you qualify for the program, and even more importantly, whether your application could result in adverse consequences to you and your family including being the risk of being placed in removal proceedings.

Should I use an attorney?

There are some very good reasons for having an immigration attorney handle your DREAMer Deferred Action Application. You will be assured of that an immigration attorney is handling all of your work. You want the best professional help working with you on such an important matter. You want a specialist. Your case will be handled in a timely manner and according to the letter of the law. You want honesty, not false hope. You will be told if you meet the criteria based on the documentation you present. An immigration attorney will not submit a case that he or she does not think meets those criteria. An immigration attorney is experienced in checking every detail of every application before submission.

What about using a notario or other non-lawyer immigration expert?

Relying on legal advice from a non-lawyer can result in bad applications being filed. Cases submitted with errors will be returned with a Request For Evidence by the government. This will delay the entire process for many weeks or months and may result in a denial of your application. An immigration attorney will discuss any fees or charges with you up front and explain these to you in detail. Remember the old adage-you get what you pay for. You want someone who can help you throughout this and other immigration issues with experience and knowledge. This process is the first step of what may prove to be an on-going series of new immigration statues and initiatives. You do not want your case to be handled by someone with little or no immigration law experience. No one wants to be in the hands of a learn-as-you-go amateur. Your situation in the United States is too important for that.

Having a competent and experienced immigration attorney to handle the matter for you and represent you throughout the entire process is likely the easiest way to file an application. It is also likely to be the least stressful way as well because you can trust that a professional is looking out for your best interests. If you have questions about the new DREAMer program, please contact our immigration attorneys or call The Law Firm of Shihab & Associates, Co., LPA at the nearest office close to you to consult with an attorney.

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